Star prizes -50,000
1st runner up-30,000
2nd runner up-10,000
10k worth of recharge card would given to 10 active voters
competition is open for both male nd female
step 1 : register by paying 1000 to Dembaqq official acct -
account name -Dembaqq entertainment
acct number: 0131931337
Bank -G.T.B
step 2: send a portrait photo of u, full name nd teller number to Dembaqq.magazine@gmail
step 3: a link would be sent to u for competition pages (twitter, Facebook nd instagram )
step 4:.share your links to your friends nd family to vote
#highest number of votes wins
#remember to inform you voters to like/follow the official acct b4 or after voting -for their vote to count.
Registration begin by May, competition starts June 1st nd ends Aug 30th 2015
for more enquiries
call 07039555262
Bbm 7F544B3A ,
Twitter ff@dembaqqmagazine,
Facebook-www.facebook.com/dembaqqmagazine ,
Instagram -dembaqq_entertainment
Email -dembaqq.magazine@gmail.com
Website – www.dembaqq.com
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